"Walk With God!" ProgramHave you wanted to have a closer relationship with God?
Do you want to better understand how God communicates with us?
Are you ready to “Walk With God”?
You will have all these things and more with America’s Spiritual Teacher, Reverend Dr. Hank, and his newest program “Walk With God!”
This program has created miracles for others and here’s what they say…
“I felt an immense heaviness in my heart magically disappear because I took this walk with God! Thank you for leading me to God so easily and quickly Dr. Hank!” Duaa Omar, M.D.
“I loved every moment of this! You are a beautiful God sent Angel! You are a true example of Love, Joy and Full of Life. I appreciate you!“ Antonio Whitfield, Entrepreneur Extradinor
“The program “Walk With God!” and Dr. Hank are the two most positive influences ever in my life! I have never made so many significant gains and life changing miracles as I have with Dr. Hank and my walk with Christ, my relationship improvements and my business!” Joey Drolshagen, Entrepreneur & Business Coach
This includes 8 sessions/videos with Dr. Hank and your walk with God:
Session 1: Understanding Yourself and God, and how to build a deeper relationship and connection with Your Higher Power, leading to a direct communication with Divine Intelligence Your old beliefs that do not serve You will be replaced with beliefs of who You really are, as You feel the presence of God flow to You, in You, through You and all around You
Session 2: The Art of Allowing & Surrendering! We have been brought up to believe that We need to figure it out, sacrifice and work hard to get what We want. You will become a “Master of Allowing” and realize that as You surrender, everything is here right now for You! Then You will think, feel and be with God and “All That Is!”.
Session 3: The Power of Your breathe! In the Bible the word SPIRIT means breathe and You will discover how to:
- Deep Breathing to allow Divine Intelligence into Your Being!
- Powerful exhaling to release Your fears!
- Rapid breathing that will automatically raise Your vibration and connection with the Divine!
Session 4: Understanding how to communicate with the Divine and how it’s all in the ASKING, it’s all in Your thoughts ! Your faith and trust in “All That Is” will reprogram Your mind to move from analyzing and comparing to asking and receiving! You will dismiss the “Drunken Committee” and live a Life of freedom as You recognize Divine thoughts.
Session 5: Being guided to the Divine with Your 7 ArchAngels ! Learn how to invoke Your ArchAngels and build a love relationship with them! Can You imagine having theses loving energies into Your power including:
- How to be a Master of Manifesting
- How to have Divine health mentally, spiritually/emotionally and physically
- To be the Master of Communication
- To call forth unconditional love for Yourself, Others and Mother Earth
- To have an illumined mind where You expand Your imagination and creativity
- To possess the WISDOM of all things and to all answers
- To be emerged in compassion in all things including You and Others and see the blessing in all things
Session 6: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind to get what You want! This program will take You from trying to figure it out, to allowing Your Subconscious Mind to deliver the perfect answers and solutions, while making You a magnet to all the people, circumstances and magical events to easily bring Your dreams!
Session 7: Living & Leading With “HEART” You will now be operating from Your True Self, at one with God and Divine Intelligence! Your lower self and analytical mind will no longer be running the show! Instead, You will now be coming from Heart and learn how to open Your Heart and easily live and lead with heart.
Session 8: “The Prayer” This puts everything together into the prayer that will have you walking with God!
The people around You will notice a difference in You! You will inspire and uplift Yourself and Others in every moment of the day! You shall be living the abundant Life and the magical Life will be yours!
This incredible program includes everything that You need to have all Your dreams come true and walk with God including:
- THE meditation for pure allowing!
- THE “Joy Shop!” for channeling with the Divine and walking with God!
- THE Magical Thought that will penetrate Your subconscious Mind to channel on demand!
- “Seeing The Unseen” meditation using neuro-linguistic programming, whole brain learning technologies and 3-dimensional sound to release any resistance!
- Thoughts that will penetrate your subconscious mind and free you to ask for and receive your dreams!
BONUS: Receive a free live session with Reverend Dr. Hank to free your mind, body and Spirit/Emotions, clearing Your pathway to channel with Divine Intelligence and “Walk With God!”

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