Dr. Hank's
Talent AssessmentsAssess
Dr. Hank’s Talent Assessments
Dr. Hank has the world’s most statistically accurate and valid diagnostic tools that can help you and/or your organization. They have been used effectively to increase retention, increase productivity and decrease stress with Fortune 100 companies around the world, entrepreneurs and individuals. Assessments include:
1. Better understand yourself by understanding your talents, motivations and behaviors. This includes understanding your stress, how to manage and motivate you (extremely helpful for peers and one up managers and much more!).
2. Better understand and communicate with others, from people you know to people you don’t know, by understanding and modifying your behavior to open the shade of communication with anyone and everyone!
3. Measure and understand the 7 areas of stress for you, and/or your team/organization, and then use the 7 proven strategies to reduce stress and increase longevity and productivity.
4. Hiring/Promoting/Selection: Job benchmark the job and understand the key talents of the job, how the job motivates and the key behaviors required for the job. Then assess the candidate(s) or employee(s) and measure their talents, motivations and behaviors. We run a “Comparison Report” and can identify the most qualified candidate for any job, promotion or selection.
Assessment examples, testimonials, investment and a discussion how this can help you and/or your organization are available upon request. You are guaranteed at least a 400% return on your investment in improved business and personal results.
